
Savoring Idaho’s Landscapes at Meridian’s Idaho Art Gallery

The Idaho Art Gallery in Meridian is a treasure trove of Idaho’s art and history. With a collection that spans over 100 years, the gallery offers visitors a glimpse into the state’s rich cultural heritage. One of the most popular exhibits at the gallery is the collection of Idaho landscapes. These paintings, sculptures, and photographs capture the beauty of the state’s diverse landscapes, from the rugged mountains of the Sawtooth Range to the lush forests of the Clearwater River Valley.

One of the most iconic paintings in the Idaho Art Gallery’s collection is “The Sawtooth Mountains” by Charles M. Russell. This oil on canvas painting depicts a group of cowboys on horseback riding through the Sawtooth Mountains. The painting is full of movement and energy, and it captures the beauty of the mountains in a way that is both realistic and evocative.

Another highlight of the Idaho Art Gallery’s collection of Idaho landscapes is “The Salmon River Canyon” by Edgar Payne. This oil on canvas painting depicts a raging river flowing through a narrow canyon. The painting is full of drama and excitement, and it captures the power of nature in a way that is both awe-inspiring and humbling.

In addition to paintings, the Idaho Art Gallery also features a collection of sculptures and photographs that depict Idaho’s landscapes. One of the most striking sculptures in the collection is “The Mountain Goat” by James Earle Fraser. This bronze sculpture depicts a mountain goat standing on a rocky ledge. The sculpture is both realistic and powerful, and it captures the strength and beauty of the mountain goat.

The Idaho Art Gallery’s collection of photographs is also worth a visit. One of the most popular photographs in the collection is “The Tetons from Oxbow Bend” by Ansel Adams. This black-and-white photograph depicts the Teton Mountains reflected in the waters of Jackson Lake. The photograph is both serene and majestic, and it captures the beauty of the Tetons in a way that is both timeless and unforgettable.

The Idaho Art Gallery’s collection of Idaho landscapes is a must-see for anyone who wants to experience the state’s rich cultural heritage. These works of art capture the beauty of Idaho’s diverse landscapes in a way that is both awe-inspiring and unforgettable.

The Idaho Art Gallery is located at 610 N. 2nd Street in Meridian. The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10am to 5pm and Sunday from 1pm to 5pm. Admission is free.

For more information, visit the Idaho Art Gallery website at